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Muscle Intelligence

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Nov 29, 2021

Feeling your attention being pulled in many directions, especially as the holidays have begun?  Time management is a challenge for many of us in this day and age!  Nir Eyal writes, speaks, and advises on how to get out of your own way, create simple habits to more effectively manage time, and ultimately become an...

Nov 26, 2021

Are you performing at 80%, even when you train for 100%?  Dan Garner has spent his career coaching elite athletes, and working with high performers, to find what he calls "performance anchors" -- Dan's term for hidden stressors that can have a slow-down effect on athlete training adaptations, and that can negatively...

Nov 22, 2021

"The smarter you are, the harder your brain can work against you" - Christian Thibaudeau.  As a renowned strength coach for over two decades, Christian Thibaudeau approaches challenges as opportunities, and uses the nervous system as a way to help determine ideal exercise programming and nutrition.  In this honest,...

Nov 19, 2021

Have you ever found yourself procrastinating, self-sabotaging, or stuck in a cycle of habits that do not ultimately serve you?  What would it look like if you did things differently?

Elliot Roe is a hypnotherapist who has worked with thousands of high performers to get to the root of learned behaviors and fears, unlock...

Nov 12, 2021

Ready to break out of the status-quo training methodologies that are so commonly seen in the fitness industry?  Dr. Pat Davidson breaks down the journey from unconscious incompetency to automatic competency in this interview that takes a functionally integrated systems approach to training.

Dr. Davidson's in-depth...