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Muscle Intelligence

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Nov 28, 2022

Today's podcast is the fourth in our Six-Pillar Series, and takes a deep-dive into the pillar of life optimization that is often overlooked, but which also holds the KEY to true transformation: our environment. I intentionally selected a handful of episodes from the past year that offer straightforward, actionable...

Nov 23, 2022

Today’s interview is with a man who is paving the way for today’s men to access their GREATEST potential.  Jonathan Rios joins me for a conversation about how to break out of the stifling confines of society’s complacent norms, and to start living a deeply fulfilling, purpose-driven life.

If you are a father,...

Nov 21, 2022

While the holiday season is traditionally seen as a time when many forego their priorities of health and fitness for social events and vacations, the high-achievers within the Muscle Intelligence Community know that this might be the MOST important time of the year to stay on top of their health… The times when it’s...

Nov 17, 2022

Today’s interview is on an array of subject matter that both those competing at an elite level, as well as those aspiring to be high-performers, can get a tremendous amount of value from.

In this all-encompassing conversation with Dr. John Connor, we cover the best practices for pre-competition preparation, as well as...

Nov 14, 2022

A very outdated, but still somewhat stereotypical, view of "eating to build muscle" is to load up on peanut butter, chicken, and eggs, and to eat as frequently as possible - often past the point of fullness.

My tried-and-true muscle-building diet tactics offer a framing that incorporates health and longevity - first to...