Mar 26, 2020
Trainers and coaches often overlook the synergy that is produced when the body and mind are mutually benefited with exercise. Our preoccupation with physical appearance and our “weak areas” have caused us to ignore the role that our mind plays in effectuating the physical changes we long to see. In this episode, Ben interviews Jacques Taylor to discuss workouts that not only develop the body but that are stimulating to the mind – exercises the reset negative associations and rewire the brain to form the positive connections required for holistic transformation. Listeners will learn about the strong correlation between mindset and the physical changes that manifest in the body.
Indeed, negative attitudes cause the excretion of cortisol and other hormones that hamper the effect of training on the body, and, therefore, there is strong evidence that suggests that by enjoying exercising, you get much more out of a workout, allowing you to change mind and body simultaneously. It is up to coaches to construct an environment where people engage with their exercises mindfully and where they are systematically guided in changing the way they think about physical training. Tuning into today’s conversation, listeners will learn about triggers for the production of BDNF, how the brain’s anticipatory nature plays into workouts, and how training can be used to change the mind. Jacques also discusses and gives examples of the seven principles of neuromuscular orchestration.
Thank you to our awesome show sponsor, makers of my favorite grassfed collagen and powdered MCT: BUBS, a company making just a few extremely high-quality products and giving back a whopping 10% of their sales to charity. I use their powdered collagen and MCT in my coffee every morning. Use the code MUSCLE for a full 20% off your purchase HERE.