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Muscle Intelligence

Thanks for listening and subscribing to the Muscle Intelligence Podcast! 

Dec 29, 2022

Muscle Intelligence has opened the doors temporarily for new members ready to start in January 2023. We train Champions. If you’re interested, click here to see if you quality.

Today's podcast is centered around the pillar that I believe holds the key to unlocking new levels of health and performance: the breath. ...

Dec 26, 2022

Muscle Intelligence has opened the doors temporarily for new members ready to start in January 2023. We train Champions. If you’re interested, click here to see if you quality.

Fasting has gained massive amounts of attention in the last several years.  With most of the fasting information being both generalized and...

Dec 22, 2022

Muscle Intelligence has opened the doors temporarily for new members ready to start in January 2023. We train Champions. If you’re interested, click here to see if you quality.

Those who have high standards for lifestyle optimization are fully aware that it’s not JUST about what you do in the gym or the food you...

Dec 19, 2022

I get a lot of client and community questions about programming, and whether training for strength and hypertrophy are synonymous.  The short answer is - they’re not… While strength and hypertrophy training have plenty of overlap, the primary goals and signaling of each respective programming model differ.


Dec 15, 2022

If you were to rate yourself in the five most important areas of your life, how many would be 5/5? Many people believe it’s “hard” or unrealistic to perform at their best consistently but the truth is that you don’t have the framework YET.

The first step is to change your relationship with the word “hard.”...